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The Godcast

Nov 6, 2022

This week, The Godcast rolls out its new movie and anime review content: Popcorn N' Soda. This time we're reviewing the 2001 Dreamworks animated fairy tale classic Shrek.

Not to worry, longtime listeners, Popcorn N' Soda will absolutely not be replacing regular Godcast content. Myles had to do some traveling for work and couldn't record a regular episode, so we decided to premiere our extra content in place of a regular episode. Regular Godcast content resumes next week, and we hope you enjoy!


If you have any movie or anime recommendations, send them to

If you'd like to guarantee we review your flick of choice, it's a $50 donation for a movie, and $100 for a single cour anime series (12 or 13 episodes).

If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran Project, you can do so here:

Myles and Super can be found improving timelines on the Fediverse here: