Jan 5, 2020
On this episode, Myles interviews Fhunde, an artist who's working on a manga version of the Book of Luke. His twitter featuring his project can be found here: https://twitter.com/fhundeart?lang=en
In the second segment, SuperLutheran and Myles discuss trannies becoming "pastors," and we answer your emails.
Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo
Fhunde can be reached on Twitter: @fhundeart
Things talked about during the episode:
Gay man in a dress gets ordained: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-latina-makes-history-evangelical-lutheran-pastor-n1100831
If you have questions about the Christian faith or just want to get in touch with us, we can be reached at TheGodcastTJC@gmail.com
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Pugnus Pastorum