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The Godcast

May 30, 2021

Unfortunately, real life got in the way of recording this week.  Instead, we have a shorter broadcast of most of the conversion stories we've read on air.  It's humbling to see the fruits of our labor for Christ laid out in a sequence like this.  By God's grace, we'll keep bearing fruit for His kingdom.  Amen.

Are Jews...

May 23, 2021

Ever read a story and get the feeling what you've read isn't nearly everything to it?  We've got two of those today.

In this week's episode, SuperLutheran and Myles follow up on both the Sacramento OnlyFans mom who got her kids kicked out of school, and David Gass, former "mega church pastor" turned atheist.  We also...

May 10, 2021

In this week's episode, SuperLutheran and Myles host another Email Extravaganza and answer all of your emails!

Are Jews the chosen people of God? No:


This is Part C of a three part episode.  Parts A and B can be found on the RSS Feed, or...

May 10, 2021

In this week's episode, SuperLutheran and Myles host another Email Extravaganza and answer all of your emails!

Are Jews the chosen people of God? No:


This is Part B of a three part episode.  Parts A and C can be found on the RSS Feed, or...

May 10, 2021

In this week's episode, SuperLutheran and Myles host another Email Extravaganza and answer all of your emails!

Are Jews the chosen people of God? No:


This is Part A of a three part episode.  Parts B and C can be found on the RSS Feed, or at